Prepared if something happens
Johan has worked in Jakobstad since 1994. He works as a forklift driver in the internal logistics department. He is also group leader of the OSTP Fire Group in our unit in Jakobstad.
On his spare time Johan has been involved in the volunteer fire brigade for a long time. He started in the 90’s as a junior, and today he is the unit manager at his unit. He is on duty every six weeks on call and takes command if his team arrives at the accident scene first.
The volunteer fire brigade goes out in case of accidents such as fire, rescuing people, damage control and all kinds of other alarms. For Johan, it has always been about the excitement, and the feeling of being able to help people when it is really needed.
– the worst case scenario is when children are involved in an accident, Johan thinks.
All alarms that come from the emergency center go to the rescue station and the volunteer fire department. The closest unit that is alerted heads out the scene first.
The unit manager coordinates the resources and ensures that there are enough resources to deal with the accident.
OSTP’s Fire Group
OSTP has its own fire group at the site in Jakobstad. It was a given to involve Johan and offer him a position in the local fire group. His interest and expertise were more than welcome. The group works on site for preventive purposes at the production unit.
Johan is in charge of the fire group, making sure that all actions needed are done to be prepared, if an emergency would happen.
The group consists of people from the personnel who work in Jakobstad, Johan explains.
“The members of this fire group have the training needed if a situation arises. We work closely with the rescue department locally, as well as the people responsible at the unit to ensure that we have the best conditions in case something happens.”
– The Managing Director of the unit is of course in the end responsible, but my job is to make sure that we are as well prepared as possible in case an accident happens.
One example is checking that our alarms are working flawlessly, says Johan.